Saturday, August 19, 2006

I am trying this again

So I have been using for my blog for a year and now I have decided to try out my old blogger account again. The main reason is because people have been complaining that they cannot comment on my friendster blogs and I really want to make you happy. Second, I am having some issues with Friendster and it may just be easier for me to come back over here. Now, I just have to figure out where to post all the pictures that I take... I will let you know when I figure that out. Enjoy!


Anne said...

Yay! I'm glad you came back to blogger. love keeping up with your news....

Katester said...!

Katester said...

Doug and I decided we're going to get you a REALLY REALLY great present in order to make up for all the money you've spent on Lost - since most of my support money has now gone to it. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Another Leeper goes to Blogger. :-)

Flickr was going to be my suggestion for your picture dilemma.