Monday, November 12, 2007

Holy Cow!

So I'm sitting in my house feeling completely normal when all of the sidden it hits me that I am leaving Thailand in one week. Holy cow! This is a big deal! I am leaving my life for six weeks which may not sound like a long time but it is a LONG time to be gone from your life. I have so much to do! Here is a partial list of what needs done:

clean my house
prepare my house for guests
do laundry
get my motorbike fixed
prepare my garden
shop for Christmas presents and things people have asked me to bring them
take Gracie to the vet
get Gracie cut and groomed
buy six weeks worth of supplies for Gracie
finish all my work at The Centre that needs to be done in the six weeks I'm gone
finish typing up addresses for my newsletters
email my travel agent
figure out my schedule for when I am in the states
buy plane tickets
pay bills
say goodbye to people
live my normal day to day life

This is what I just came up with off the top of my head, there is more. I have a busy week ahead of me!

And I am so excited for this trip!!! Yahoo! (Can you feel the excitement?)

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