Saturday, November 22, 2008


This post is going to be short because I just got back from a three hour walk with Aon and Ya and I really need to take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 4:45am because I am going to Samoeng, which is a local hill tribe village. I am going to take pictures for a relief project with a local ministry and although it will be fun, it will also be exhausting! Last year they hired me to take pictures and you can view a small portion of them here. Anyway, all of that to explain that I'm not going to write much because I need to go to bed.

And yet I haven't even gotten to the main part of my post yet...

I wanted to ask you all to pray for a friend of mine. She is very very dear to me and needs some help from our Heavenly Father right now. She is one of the strongest people I know and yet life drags us all down sometimes. I'm not going to give you her name or details because I want to protect her privacy. Please pray for peace, strength, rest and healing in her life. I know that it is sometimes hard to pray for people that you don't know, especially if you don't know what they specifically need prayer for. However, I strongly believe that if you ask God to guide your prayers, he will. So that is what I ask of you today. Thank you.

By the way, "attithan" is the Thai word for "prayer."

1 comment:

Celestial Freak said...

you're an amazing prayer warrior to see a need and rally others to pray along side you.