Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Your standing films will time and test themselves."

"Your films will stand the test of time."

Anybody know what that quote is from?

I mentioned on Facebook a couple months ago that I had gotten a new tattoo and ever since then, people have been asking to see it. Honestly, I've just been too lazy to take a picture up until today.

Thought maybe I'd show all three of my tattoos on here and let you know what they mean.

I got this one about ten years ago in the small of my back. I think it is pretty self explanatory. It is fading quite a bit and desperately needs touched up but I never see it, so I leave it alone.

This one I got a year later and it is placed directly underneath the cross. It is the Chinese symbol for "servant" and meant a lot because I always thought someday I'd end up serving in China. This one has also faded a lot and needs redone but again, I never see it.

Here is the two of them together.

This is my newest one that I got a couple months ago. After Tiffany died, Tam and I had charms engraved with her initials that we put on our charm bracelets. The charms were angel wings and after that we always associated angel wings with Tiffany. I took the actual charm into the tattoo shop and they copied it onto my foot.

I know tattoos are kind of a touchy subject with some people but I absolutely love mine! I have never regretted getting any of them and am definitely open to more. They are a way of expressing my personality and who cares what they look like when I am old and gray! :) I have to say that the angel wing is my favorite because it is the first one that I actually see every day and it holds such a special meaning.

So, there you go. Sorry it took me so long to put up pictures!


Allen said...

Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. Duh.

Jennifer said...

one of the many reasons I love you, Al!

Tamara said...

I knew it too but Al got here first!