Friday, November 07, 2008

Friendly Bloggers

Today I thought I'd tell you a little about the friendly bloggers that you can find links to in my side bar. The OCD side of me insists that I start in alphabetical order by their fist names, so here goes...

Full Circle is written by my friend, Allen. Al and I met in 1995 when I moved to San Jose and started going to his church. He is seriously one of the coolest people in my life! I rarely see him (because I live on the other side of the world and life took us in different directions) but I am always completely comfortable around him and plan on having him in my life until we are both old and grey! Fun fact: Allen and my sister, Tamara were born in the same hospital a day apart, our moms remember each other.

is written by Alon (not to be confused with Allen). I met Alon in 2002 when I started working for Amor Ministries. Alon was my boss and just happened to be the coolest boss, I seriously should have gotten him a mug with "World's Best Boss" printed on it. He is one of those people that you completely respect and look up to and have a great time with. He taught me a lot!

Love People is written by Brooke. I first met Brooke when she was seven years old, I may have babysat her a few times. I got to know her better when she was in junior high and I was in college and I was one of her youth group leaders. She was super cool back then and is even more cool now! Brooke spent the month of June with me in Thailand and I am so proud of the women that she has become. She is strong, confident and loves Jesus. I feel a level of comfort with her that is usually reserved for family, so I think I will start calling her my sister. :)

Eating The Garden
is written by Carrie, whom I met through my sister. Tamara and Carrie went to massage school together and very willingly invited me into their circle of friends, even though I know nothing about massage therapy. She gardens and has some pretty cool stories as well as delicious recipes!

Crystal's Randomness is written by none other than Crystal. I honestly can't remember when we first met and it feels like I've known her forever. Crystal, do you remember when we met? I have memories of her from childhood and then we reconnected when we both attended San Jose Christian College after high school. Crystal is one of my favorite people for so many reasons but it is her strength and honesty that encourages me on a daily basis. I haven't actually seen her in years but we stay connected over the internet and hopefully someday soon we will get to hang out!

I just realized that I have a total of 20 people in my list of friendly bloggers and if I were to write about all of them today, it would be overwhelming for all of us. So that is it for now, more again tomorrow!

By the way, what do you think of my blog's new look?


Celestial Freak said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe this post! I love you my dear friend!

I'm pretty sure that where we first met was Heavenly Hills Christian Camp. I don't remember when though.

Now I'm missing seeing you face to face and wish I could be in Thailand right now to give you a huge hug and just hang out! What a blessing the internet is to let us daily remain in touch with each other and to encourage each other in where the Lord our God has taken us.

By the way I LOVE the new layout! I want one that cool! Where did you get it!? I love the vibrant colors! Stylish and cheery!

I've been toying around with the idea of renaming my blog, but now I'm not sure I'm allowed to. It's written here, now, that my blog is Crystal's Randomness, so am I stuck with it? Any ideas for a new name? Mostly I'm thinking about renaming my blog because it doesn't seem as random as it once was. It seems like anymore my posts are focused on faith and health, and my journey of faith and seeking better health, I don't know... I guess my blog still has tangents, like all my political posts as of late, and I'm guessing too that for someone who isn't an INTJ that my blog and writing are even more random than I'm aware. I often simply hope that I've gotten across just one cohesive point. I'm weird, you really like someone like me? Just kidding. I'm so glad and blessed by our friendship. You continue to amaze me my friend!

Allen said...

Thanks Jenni Penni!

BTW, dig the new blog look.

Allen said...

p.s. I think we met in 1995. If 2005, then who did I take to that winter formal...? :-)