Sunday, November 09, 2008


First of all, I love that all the comments on yesterday's post were about my new boyfriend. It's good to know that people actually read what I write and think about it. For now, the boyfriend issue will have to remain a mystery...

Secondly, tonight I discovered Guitar Hero. Aon and Ya came over and the three of us decided to try and figure out the XBOX. I'd never played one before and was quite surprised to find out that the controllers are cordless. The box came with a bunch of games, most of them clearly show that a boy owned it before me, but it came with two guitar hero games and two guitars. So, we plugged it in and started playing and had a blast! Sanook mak (very fun)!!! I don't mean to brag but apparently I'm pretty good at it. :) Aon says it is because I can play a real guitar but she has never actually heard me play so she doesn't understand how bad I am. I am much better at the game than I am on my real guitar! Anyway, it was a good way to end the day because we were all feeling kinda down and serious before. There were actually tears during dinner and then hysterical laughing after. Ya said that she will probably wake Aon up in the middle of the night because she will be laughing in her sleep. I love those girls!

I am starting to ramble because I am so tired. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, I hope to have an e-mail about the boyfriend soon!

ErinAndy said...

Yes, we must play Guitar Hero on your next visit!

Celestial Freak said...

OK, have you made any updates on this mystery boyfriend that I've missed. I admit I'm a bad friend and still need to read e-mail but here, a few weeks later I'm still totally piqued by what this means!