Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I mentioned the political problems in my earlier post and at the time I was feeling relatively distance from what was occurring in Bangkok. However, I just read an article on CNN that stated the following:

"...Protesters wearing yellow shirts in Chiang Mai pulled a 60-year-old man from his car and shot and killed him late Wednesday, Reuters journalist John Sanlin told CNN. Anti-government protesters typically wear yellow shirts, he said..."

And now I am feeling a little less safe. Here is the link for the full article: Thai PM Rejects Calls....

Here are a couple more links giving a bit more background:

Descent into Chaos
Thailand's Political Crisis

Check them out and please be praying!


Unknown said...

What ever you do; don't wear a yellow shirt! Or what ever the opposition color is! Be safe.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for your safety and for peace, Jennifer Sue. I saw the reports on the news and instantly thought of you. You and your friends are in my thoughts and prayers.